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NSFW: This is NOT the ‘Alien’ Xenomorph Queen I Know and Love!

The Xenomorph may have been introduced in Ridley Scott’s 1979 sci-fi/horror classic Alien but mama Queen didn’t rear her gigantic flared head until several years later in James Cameron’s 1986 Aliens. It was one of the most incredible and stunning moments in the film as it came at a point when there was seemingly no time left to spare yet we had to give this gigantic, majestic creature the attention it rightfully deserved. After all, her introduction comes when Ripley is racing against time to save Newt as the entire terraforming colony is crumbling all around them, flames spewing violently and structures collapsing left and right. But when Ripley stumbles into that hatchery and the music comes to a grinding halt, the tension, which was already explosive, skyrockets into something otherworldly. It’s a fan-fucking-tastic scene and it brought us one of the greatest matriarchs in the sci-fi genre!

Now, we all know that H.R. Giger’s Xenomorph design was meant to have very strong sexual overtones. The phallic Xenomorph head, the vaginal mouth of the facehugger, the “pregnancy” and “birth” of the chestbursting scene, etc… All of these are explicit reminders that the franchise is rooted in sexuality and the violence that comes with such endeavors. But I honestly think the folk over at Gmasking have taken that a step too far with their “Resin Alien Queen Statue” collectible that they have on sale over at .

Okay, I get that the Alien Queen is a female. But do we really need to do a pseudo-Alien Resurrection genetic mashup of a naked woman with some random Xenomorph attachments? Oh, and to charge $200 for such a monstrosity seems a bit outrageous, don’t you think? I’ll concede that it’s a beautifully detailed statue but this just seems way too on-the-nose. There are images below but be warned that they are NSFW!

  • Chromwagner

    The design of whatever this is is pretty ridiculous and it has nothing to do with the queen. Thanks for the article about nothing.

  • zombie84_41

    Thats interesting and different be pretty cool for some kind of new alien that mutates the blood of humans and turns them into the Xenomorph.

  • Ricky Ortiz

    Hey, you never know. For them Alien/Giger fetishists, this is a wet dream. lol

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