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[Nightmares Film Festival 2017] Day 3: Never Sleep Again

What is sleep? What day is it again? I kid. The third day of Nightmares Film Festival this year was just as eventful as the previous two. Short film blocks were in abundance, as were features. Furthermore, the wonderful folks at Gateway Film Center saw fit to not only hold an awards ceremony, but also host two panels. Jackpot!

The schedule ran from 10am to 2am yesterday, offering up a truly sleepless marathon for those brave enough to indulge from start to finish. Due to needing to opt out of a few things both for writing time and a bit of extra sleep, I missed out on some things. Hey, I have to drive to and from! Do you want me to end up like Heather Langenkamp’s husband in New Nightmare? I was even wearing jeans today…

All jokes aside, missing things is sadly the nature of the game, although hopefully I can catch up with a few soon. It’s hard not to want to, when everyone is having such a good time hanging out, eating, and conversing with one another. The fun of just being here carries over into the experience of watching the films themselves. Even when I’m less than enthused with a screening, I’m still having a good time.

That’s why what struck me most today beyond the shorts, films, panels, and awards was the sense of community. The welcoming arms of GFC have always been apparent to me ever since I first darkened its door last year for a screening of Baskin (see it!) and their warm embrace has only strengthened upon further visits. This weekend, it is stronger than ever. Whether I was chatting with friends, filmmakers, or complete strangers, there was never a moment where everyone around me wasn’t all smiles.

Gateway Film Center truly is a special place. It’s more than just a movie theater or the location of a fun horror film festival. It’s a home. A home to horror fans. A home to film fans. A home to art fans. A home to great people, be they staff or attendees. I may only be able to call it home myself a couple times a year, but I always feel welcome when I’m here, whether I’m watching a festival marathon, old classics, or something new like Happy Death Day (which is pretty great too).

The warm and inviting atmosphere was built by the lovely people who run the place, but it is maintained religiously by those who fill its seats. The festival founders had a dream of building a loving community with this festival and that dream has become reality. Everyone here genuinely seems to care about those around them and interested in making numerous new friends and/or contacts. Bravo to you all for making that happen!

As someone who views things from afar, the film industry is often painted as a fickle one full of petty disputes, backstabbing, and selfish ego trips. It’s entirely possible that some of those things have reared their head at some point this weekend, but I myself have yet to witness or hear about any of it. Everyone seems genuinely happy to be here and interact with one another. As far as I’m concerned, that’s just as important as the films themselves. I probably sound like a broken record at this point, but I truly mean it. Atmosphere is as key to a festival as it is to a film and the atmosphere here is stellar.

Who needs sleep! Let the bittersweet glory of NFF 2017’s final day begin…

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