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Rumor: The Flash Is Coming To ‘Supergirl’ Next Year!

Bleeding Cool is reporting that The CW’s “The Flash” might actually be crossing over with CBS’ “Supergirl” during May sweeps week next year.  While I’m not surprised, this does fly in the face of previous comments from the producers (namely Greg Berlanti, Sarah Schechter, and Andrew Kreisberg) stating that a crossover between the series (as well as other shows like “Arrow” and “Legends of Tomorrow“) was possible in the future, but wouldn’t happen during the first season.  Falling ratings tend to change minds rather quickly, however.

Nothing is confirmed at this time and the crossover is also contingent on CBS giving the series a full order, adding an additional 9 episode to fill out the season.  Word is that the network has already been putting pressure on the showrunners to shake things up, hence the move to use Superman more in the series during the episode that will run after the winter break.  As for tossing in characters like The Flash (Grant Gustin) and (eventually) Green Arrow (Stephen Amell), while both of their shows might exist on another channel, it’s not too much of a stretch to make crossovers happen.  After all, CBS co-owns The CW, with Warner Bros. owning the other half.

So there you have it!  Providing CBS gives the show a full order (I suspect they will), “Supergirl” will finally officially be pulled into the DC TV Universe come May.  As a result, so too exists Superman within that world now.  I’m sure some references will be dropped on either series ahead of the eventual team-up episode.  I’m guessing it will involve The Flash and his cohorts traveling to National City to chase after some sort of metahuman and enlisting Kara’s help in the process.  Will Kara now someday visit Central City or Star City?  Who knows, but the possibility is now greater than it ever has been before.

Again, nothing is official just yet, but as far as rumors go, there’s a 90% chance that this one is right on the money.

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