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Trailer Park Pentathlon: 07/17/2017 Edition

The trailer park is open! Trailers roll out so often these days that it becomes hard to keep up with them, both as a writer and a viewer. So, for your viewing pleasure, we have combined a handful of them into a single article. Below you will find the latest trailers for five upcoming projects: Netflix’s animated film Godzilla: Monster Planet, Amazon’s revival of “The Tick“, Audience’s adaptation of Stephen King‘s novel “Mr. Mercedes“, the Halle Berry-starring thriller Kidnap, and the Gerard Butler-starring Warner Bros. disaster film Geostorm. Enjoy your trailer park pentathlon!

Godzilla: Monster Planet arrives on Netflix in late 2017, after its November theatrical run in Japan.

The Tick” premieres on Amazon on August 25th, 2017.

Mr. Mercedes” premieres on Audience on August 9th, 2017.

Kidnap arrives in theaters on August 4th, 2017.

Geostorm arrives in theaters on October 20th, 2017.


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